Tips for Managing Anxiety

You can calm your mind by reducing tension in your body and relax your body by changing your thoughts (mind-body connection)

Practice breathing deeply (slowly breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, holding the inhale and exhale for as long as it is comfortable) for 5 mins throughout the day so that you can experience less tension and use it effectively to cope during times of intense anxiety

Practice muscle relaxation, which can be traditional stretching or a sequence of tightening then releasing each muscle group to enjoy a reduction in tension

Challenge any thoughts that might be an exaggeration about the likelihood or severity of an event (e.g., if you stutter during a class presentation it is unlikely that everyone will think you are a complete idiot, especially since everyone is likely focused on their own anxiety)

Find ways to distract yourself when you can’t get negative thoughts out of your head

Write down concerns/worries on paper (can be a calendar or to-do list) so that your brain knows you don’t have to keep regurgitating it

Use a thought record (Google it or see instructions in my book) to challenge persistent thoughts that cause trouble (e.g., “Everyone is watching me,” “I always mess up,” “I’m going to fail,” “This [insert task] is too difficult for me”)