Some important rules to follow when interacting with your children...
- Communicate clearly, make sure they understand you
- Avoid yelling/screaming
- Do not repeat yourself more than one time
- Provide plenty of praise for good behavior
- Reward good behavior immediately
- Do not make too many requests at once
- Do not try to correct every behavior, address only the most important
- Be consistent (between caregivers and within yourself)
- Follow through with giving consequences (no empty threats)
- Give feedback on behavior during planning conversation times (when no one is stressed)
- Be flexible to a degree (don’t change rules, but bend them when appropriate and provide a rationale)
- Do not say mean, hurtful things
- Be a good example (“Do as I say, not as I do” Does not work)
- Be a good listener (make sure you understand, don’t be critical, avoid talking over the talker)
- Provide opportunities for safe discussion (assure a nonjudgemental stance)
- Plan fun activities
- Monitor use of electronics and social media respectfully (no snooping or hacking-have open conversations)
Find a way to monitor how you are doing (via report card, therapist, child feedback, ask relatives or friends)